License: MIT Documentation Status

INFMIDI is a MIDI editing library written in Python,with a lot of advanced syntax to help you quickly edit and generate MIDI files. You can also use it to assist in arranging and composing music with code.


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  • Absolute time - Esaily insert note and event at any time point.

# Add C4 on beat 8.
clip += Note('C4', location=8)
  • Time slicing - Modify notes for a specific time period.

# Raise notes from beats 8 to 16 by 4 semitones.
clip[8:16] += 4
  • Generator - Functions to generate music clip quickly.

# Generate chord progression with sheet.
progression = sheet('C4:M7 A4:m9 | F4:M7 G4:7')
  • Effects - Functions to process MIDI.

# Add delay effect to clip.
delay(clip, n=3, length=0.5, decay=0.9)


MIT License © 2022 gongyibei.